To ease the integration of ISO management systems standards, ISO introduced Annex SL is, providing a standardisation of high specification structures.
Facilitating an intuitive and easy to use system which strips away unnecessary complexities and clunky navigation issues, Annexe SL stands in place of the historical ISO Guide 83, progressing the base structure which had been implemented previously. Built upon a ten standard strong structure, Annex SL is a formative element of the newly revised ISO standards. Conceptualised to enhance the user experience from readability to usability, all new ISOs involved with ISO 9001:2015 have evolved to progress the associated standards, from technological language to terms and definitions, which are the drivers for fundamental change.
ISO 9001:2015 is constructed and themed by:
The specific requirements of each management standard can be found within these headings, providing consistency across operations when your brands aspire to comply with multiple This approach helps save time and money. Annexe SL facilitates more precise and controlled management systems. ISO has developed a high-level framework structure that will grow in years to come as new versions of the standards are introduced.
The Annex SL structure has been used in the most new management system standards since 2011 including ISO 14001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 45001:2018.